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Johnny's Selected Seeds

Seeds; Gardening; Farming

Agriculture & Forestry

Home & Garden

Johnny's Selected Seeds is a 100% employee-owned seed company headquartered in Winslow, Maine. Founded in 1973 as a small mail-order business, Johnny’s has grown into a trusted provider of vegetable, fruit, herb, and flower seeds, along with tools and supplies for gardeners and farmers across the United States and worldwide. Committed to sustainable agriculture, Johnny’s offers a diverse selection of organic and non-GMO seeds. The company also conducts extensive research and breeding programs to develop new seed varieties tailored to the needs of small-scale growers. In 2011, Johnny’s Selected Seeds became 100% employee-owned through an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP), ensuring long-term stability and reinforcing a culture of innovation, quality, and commitment to its customers and the agricultural community. Today, Johnny's Selected Seeds remains a family-owned and operated business that is dedicated to providing high-quality seeds and supplies to farmers and gardeners who are committed to sustainable agriculture practices.

Johnny's Selected Seeds is an employee-owned company headquartered in Winslow, Maine.

Johnny's Selected Seeds is an employee-owned company.

While they are not certified, based on Department of Labor 5500 fillings and other third-party data sources, we believe their ESOP meets our standards of significant and broad-based employee ownership.

While they are not certified, based third-party data sources, we believe their Worker Cooperative meets our standards of significant and broad-based employee ownership.

While they are not certified, based third-party data sources, we believe their Employee Ownership Trust meets our standards of significant and broad-based employee ownership.

While they are not certified, we believe they meet our standards of significant and broad-based employee ownership.


Winslow, ME

Employee Ownership Type:


Employee-Owned Since:


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